After School Program
After School Tutoring
Our free after-school tutoring program is designed to help approximately 30 students in grades 1–10 with math, reading, spelling, and end-of-grade (EOG) testing. We communicate with the students’ teachers and counselor about homework assignments and to determine where the most help is needed. The program is overseen by Ms. Karen Reid, an award-winning, retired schoolteacher from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School District, and most tutors are UNC students. This program runs from mid-September through the first week of May, Monday–Thursday, from 3–5:30 PM.
After-school snacks are included.
EOG Tutoring
The focus in our after-school tutoring program shifts in February to helping students prepare for end-of -grade (EOG) testing. As part of this program, students are pre-tested to identify the areas in which they need the most help. They are then tested again after the program to determine the tutoring’s effectiveness.
Office Support
Interested students in the after-school program receive training in basic office skills such as clerical work, typing, receptionist duties, and event support.