We have many opportunities for you to get involved with the Rogers Road Community Center! Please contact the office (919.918.2822) if you’d like more information.
High school and college students:
Your work at the center is eligible for community service hours!
Computer Maintenance
Computer Monitor for light computer maintenance. Needed once per week and for one meeting on the first Saturday of each month
Office Assistant
Office Assistant for answering the phone, filing, and light clerical work. Flexible hours between 10 AM and 4 PM
Food Bank Helpers
Food Bank Helpers for receiving food (unpacking and shelving) on the third Monday of every month between 10 AM and noon. Helpers also needed for distribution every other Friday anytime between 10 AM and 4 PM. Friday helpers will pack food bags and check names of food recipients. .
Athletic Programs
The RENA Community Center hosts basketball and soccer programs! These events generally happen during after-school program hours and are led by UNC students.
Please print out R.E.N.A Volunteer Application and fill it out. You may mail the completed form to our office, send the application via email to jameshacannonphillips@gmail.com, or bring us the completed form in-person.