Back To School Bash
We are hosting a Drive-through Back to school bash on August 14th at 11:30pm-3:30pm. During this event we are asking for those who are coming to the event to remain in their vehicles and we will distribute the backpacks to everyone in their vehicle(Passanger side, Back seat or trunk). No one will be permitted in the facility, this is strictly a drive-through and go event! Thank you!
This year, in spite of the heavy rains that finally ended in the afternoon, we provided food including yummy grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, Maple View ice cream, presentations by school resource officers at the church, and a bouncy house! David Caldwell and Andre from the sheriffs office served up crunchy hot popcorn, snow cones and sodas for the kids in the center parking lot.
This event is sponsored in partnership with Faith Tabernacle Oasis of Love International Church and occurs on the second Saturday of August, from 11 AM to 5:30 PM.
The annual Back-to-School Bash is one of our biggest events of the year!
Come join us in this all-day community celebration of the new school year, where we distribute hundreds of backpacks filled with school supplies to students from all over the region